
This obviously was not your basic "Tune in Tokyo" game.

A New Mexico woman pleaded guilty to ripping off her daughter in-laws nipple during a drunken fight.


According to Live Leak Amelia Love Oveide and her son were arguing.  That is when daughter in law Marie Cadney stepped in.  Cadney claims she tried to separate the pair and that is when Oviede grabbed her boob and began pulling on her nipple.

Cadney told police she had to punch her mother in law in the face to get her to stop.

It gets worse.

Cadney noticed blood on her shirt.  She lifted up her shirt to check things out and then "poof", her nipple fell to the floor!  It fell off!

According to the police report she picked up her nipple from the floor and put it in a bag.

This bitch is pretty hardcore because she waited 2 hours before going to the hospital, where her nipple was reattached.

Talk about a titty twister!

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