13 Suggestions to Fill Flint’s Empty Sears in Genesee Valley Mall
The empty Sears building in the Genesee Valley Mall could be used for so much.
When it comes to malls in America, many of them seem to be dying a slow painful death. Many of the anchor stores such as Sears, Hudson's, and others are a thing of the past and are just sitting there empty.

Can those buildings be repurposed and see new life? Are they dead in the water? The future is unknown, but it doesn't look good for malls in the future. Online shopping has really killed the need to have some of these retail locations.
So out of curiosity, I took to Facebook to see what the people of Flint would like to see happen with the old Sears Building in the Genesee Valley Mall. I have to admit that I was expecting some mixed answers as to what to do with the building and I was right. These answers did not disappoint.
So take a look at these 13 suggestions below and let us know what you think in the comments. Some of the options can include a variety of different things that would fit the category.
Homeless Shelter
Several people suggested some type of homeless shelter or resource center.
Dog Shelter or Animal Rescue
Flint definitely has a soft spot for abandoned and neglected animals.
Indoor Entertainment Facility
A very large portion of the responses from residents mentioned they would want to see some sort of entertainment facility. The suggestions included facilities like Round One, One Eyed Jacks, and entertainment such as laser tag, paintball, a skate park, rage rooms, indoor golf, an indoor waterpark or community aquatic facility, and many more.
Retail Stores
Suggestions included Micro Center, Cabela's, Sam's Club, Trader Joes, Dick's Sporting Goods, and more.
Community Center for Teens
The former Sears building would provide plenty of space and options for a community center for teens in the area.
Sports Training Facility
One of the entries suggested the opening of a sports training facility complete with doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and more on-site.
Vintage Antique Mall or Flea Market
Other suggestions for the old Sears building included an antique mall or flea market.
Amateur Theater for Local Groups
The building itself would provide plenty of space for theatre groups looking for a bigger theater to perform in.
Mega Trucking Hub
One user suggested a mega trucking hub complete with restaurants, showers, sleeping accommodations, and more.
Office Space for Rent
Affordable workspaces for smaller companies or even students could be a great idea for this space.
Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty of the suggestions. Not everyone wants to see the building see new tenants and if they do, the following suggestions may not be what most people would call conventional. However, several of the following made me chuckle and try to picture what they would look like.
Strip Club
Did you really think that this wasn't going to be suggested? If someone would open a Sears-themed strip joint and have Tim Allen narrate the commercials for it, I think they would be millionaires overnight! #PureStripping
Two men enter, one man leaves. Don't rule this one out yet. When the zombie apocalypse begins, it could happen.
Destroy It!
As I mentioned before, not everyone has faith that something could be opened there. Several of the suggestions about what to put in the old Sears building included things like dynamite and a wrecking ball. Hey, to each their own.
If you can think of something different you would want to see there, let us know in the comments.
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