7 New Ways That Flint Hipsters Can Use Hamady Sacks
If you grew up in the Flint area before the 90s, you knew what Hamady sacks were. Hell, people around here still refer to paper bags as Hamady sacks on the reg. Not only was every paper bag from anywhere known as a Hamady sack, but people used them for damn near everything.
Wanna make some popcorn? Put it in a Hamady sack. Need a cooler? Hamady sack. Need a container for the leftover goulash and all the Tupperware is dirty? You get the point.
Now that Hamady has opened a new store in town, a whole new generation will get to put those versatile little kraft paper rectangles to good use. That got me thinking about what uses a certain sub-category of these youngsters would find for Hamady sacks and thus -- this list was born. Enjoy.
Update: Hamady will be closing their doors (again) as of 9p Tuesday, November 6th after just three months of being back in business.
Gender-Neutral Baby Tote
Sure, Baby Bjorns are cool... for fascists! Why sell out to the elites when you could tote little baby Moonbeam around in this super trendy and locally sourced paper receptacle? Unlike blue or pink, this tote's soothing earth tones definitely won't influence your child's gender identity before they're ready to tell you what they are.
Replacement Cover for Bon Iver's Debut Album On Vinyl
I mean, you don't buy Bon Iver's debut album on vinyl to NOT hang the album cover on the wall. Then again, you still have to keep the record in something. This way you can show your friends that you don't even really like that you were a fan before it was cool and that you're resourceful.
Gluten-Free Pizza Crust
Anything has got to be a better substitution for pizza crust than cauliflower. I wish people would stop telling me how good it is and that you can't even tell the difference. A.) It's not, and B.) you 100% can tell the difference.
Sign for Your Next Protest
Poster board isn't really expensive, but everything is expensive when you've got $76,000 of student debt to pay off.
Vegan Deodorant
Just imagine how many little Hamady deodorant squares you can get out of one bag. Sure, you'll already have to be a little bit sweaty under there to get them to stick, but no worries. Hamady Vegan Deodorant Squares are just like every other kind of natural deodorant alternative -- they don't really work.
Cool Looking Cover to Hide the Macbook Your Parents Bought for You
If you're spotted openly using a Macbook at Starbucks, your "man of the people" street cred will be completely blown by the time the next Jill Stein rally comes around.
DIY Dress to Wear to The Loft On Thursday
Who doesn't want to hang out in a bar while wearing a paper dress? You'll be the talk of the pool table area, as you sashay through the place like it's your own personal runway. However, you may want to steer clear of the dance floor in such fragile attire.