All Meijer Stores in Midwest to Require Face Coverings
Meijer announced yesterday that all stores in the midwest will require masks and face coverings soon.
In a press release yesterday, officials announced that all customers entering Meijer stores or Meijer Express stations will be required to wear a face mask or face covering. This will go into effect for all Meijer stores in the midwest starting on Mondy, July 20th, All stores in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky are included in this policy. This new requirement is in addition to any executive orders that are already in play, such as Michigan.
Customers who have medical conditions that prevent them from face coverings or masks are exempt from the policy. For customers that prefer not to enter the store, Meijer Home Delivery and Curbside Pickup are still options available to those customers.

Currently, most Meijer stores are open from 6 am until midnight, seven days per week. Meijer still offers special store hours for those with health conditions to shop during the coronavirus outbreak. Seniors and those with medical conditions can shop at Meijer on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 am until 8 am. Mondays and Wednesdays are reserved for essential workers including medical staff, first responders, and law enforcement along with Meijer staff from 6 am until 8 am.
Back when this all started, Meijer was my preferred place to shop. I was always able to get what I was looking for even when everyone was freaking out and panic buying everything. I do miss their overnight hours though. The bottle return lines have been out of control and I am just going to wait until I can go in late at night when the crowds aren't there.
Source: Meijer
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