Dr. Fauci’s Timetable on When Fans Can Return to Packed Stadiums
Whether it's going to Comerica Park to watch the Detroit Tiger's play or going to DTE to see your favorite band, just being in that kind of environment is something we all miss so very much right now.
According to Fox 2, Dr. Fauci laid out a timetable earlier this week for when fans will likely be able to pack stadiums and arenas again. Even though he refers to sporting events, you can take what he has to say and apply it to concerts as well.
Dr. Anthony Fauci:
We're gonna be vaccinating the highest-priority people [from] the end of December through January, February, March. By the time you get to the general public, the people who'll be going to the basketball games, who don't have any underlying conditions, that's gonna be starting the end of April, May, June. So it probably will be well into the end of the summer before you can really feel comfortable [with full sports stadiums] – if a lot of people get vaccinated. I don't think we're going to be that normal in July. I think it probably would be by the end of the summer.
End of summer? I wonder what this will mean for concerts that have been rescheduled for spring and early summer. I wonder what this means for the baseball season. Will the Tigers play with no fans in attendance again? It's all just a waiting game at this point I suppose.
Dr. Fauci was trying to be as optimistic as possible but all of what he was saying is contingent on how widely used the vaccine for COVID-19 is.
Having an efficacious vaccine in and of itself doesn't get us out of this difficult situation we're in. But an efficacious vaccine that's widely utilized could get us to a point where we're really approaching normality.

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