Fall Sports Canceled for 2020 in Lansing School District
The road for returning to school is definitely all over the map this year, and Lansing School District is no different.
As school districts across Michigan put together their plans for the 2020-2021 school years, each one differs from the next. Lansing School District has announced that fall sports for 2020 have been canceled along with all extracurricular activities. This move coincides with their decision to start this school year 100% online.
For most people in Michigan, this comes as no big surprise. In Genesee County alone, the districts are split between fully online learning to students in the classroom a couple of days per week. As for now, my daughter's school is giving students the choice between those two options, while friends of mine in other districts have no choice but to go fully online.
Obviously, I think we can all agree that we want our kids back in school. The problem starts with how to do that. Of course, safety is the first priority, and that is where the differences begin. While I'm willing to bet that many school districts will end up following the lead of Lansing, no one wants to see extracurricular activities canceled. Check out Lansing's full press release here.

The 2020-2021 school year will no doubt bring a lot of stress and anxiety for both parents and students no matter what side of the fence you are one. I couldn't help but be extremely bummed for everyone last night. My daughter and I were talking a walk at a local park last night and saw a little league team celebrating their season with their friends and family. We stopped and watched as the players played a fun game against their parents. A little piece of my heart broke for every kid in the world as their worlds have been turned upside down. Memories will be lost and in some cases, they will never be able to do some of the things they worked so hard for. The world and 2020 have definitely put a hurting on us all.
Source: Lansing School District
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