There are two movies that I am still pissed I didn't watch in 3d (and no, 'Avatar' is not one of them); 'Pirahna 3d' and 'The Final Destination'. Those are the kind of idiotically fun movies that the format was created for. The fine people over at New Line Cinema have decided to give me one more chance by making another Final Destination movie in 3d. Check out the official trailer here.

These movies might be my one cinematic guilty pleasure. Are they well written or well acted? No. Are they laughably unbelievable? Very much so. Do they come up with some of the stupidest death scenes ever filmed? Oh hell yeah. The one thing these movies have going for them is that no matter how stupid they get, they're still damn entertaining. I'm just glad they changed the original name for the fifth installment. We can all agree that the number '5' looks the most like the letter 'S' and also that it starts out with the same sound as the word 'FINAL'  does. The only problem being that the original title 5nal Destination looks too much like Anal Destination and that's a whole different genre of film all together. Check out the trailer.

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