Full Moon Will Rise On Friday The 13th… Stay Away from Crystal Lake
A very rare occurrence will happen this Friday.
Yes, it is Friday the 13th the unluckiest days of the year (some say) but also a rare full harvest moon will also light up the sky. The last time both Friday the 13th and a full moon happened on the same day was back in October of 2000. According to Newsweek magazine, the next time both will occur will not take place until August 13th of 2049.
Most superstitious people don't even leave the house on Friday the 13th. For those who do that make sure you at least take a peek outside at the moon. Skywatchers who have been looking forward to this month’s Harvest Moon. The moon won’t be considered technically “full” until the very wee hours of Saturday but it will appear full when it rises Friday night. It will look full again on Saturday and Sunday evenings.
What a way to kick off the Halloween season (insert evil laugh here)
Source: Mlive.com