Grand Blanc Residents Tired of People Speeding Through This Neighborhood
If you live in Grand Blanc, you're well aware of the traffic situation that people living on Bella Vista Drive have to endure every single day. It's been an issue for years.
The neighborhood on Bella Vista Drive sits between Perry Road and Kroger where you'll find a constant flow of traffic. For people like me, it's a quick and easy way to get to Kroger or Holly Road. However, it can be a real nuisance for those living on Bella Vista.
The real issue people are having is the inconsiderate drivers that are speeding and driving through stop signs. I see people flying through that neighborhood all the time. Some people just don't take into account the number of kids that live on Bella Vista.
One Grand Blanc resident went to social media this week to complain about the issue:
PSA for those living in, visiting or cutting through Kirkridge or Bella Vista neighborhoods….
The speed limit is 25 (max)
Stop signs are NOT suggestions- complete STOPS required. This especially applies to Bella Vista Drive but as well as throughout the neighborhoods.
It's ironic isn't it...people that live on that road complained about fast traffic 20 years ago and the city put in speed bumps large enough to park a car on. Then 10 years go by and the people that live there are sick of them and they were removed. Now...they are sick of fast traffic again!
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