Hill And Belsay Intersection in Grand Blanc to Close For Roundabout Project
Yesterday I went through the intersection of Hill and Belsay in Grand Blanc and thought to myself how badly they need to put in a light there.
This morning I noticed a sign that says the intersection will be closed starting on April 16th. I was like, hell yeah, it's about time! Then I found out it was going to be a 5-month major roundabout project. 5 freaking months is a long time! This is my way to work every day, now I'll have to go all the way around through Grand Blanc. There's no doubt, something needed to be done at this intersection because it can get really backed up but what a pain in the ass.
The good news is, the intersection won't be closed for the full 5 months. The Genesee County Road Commission says the anticipated open to traffic date is June 30, 2018.
I'm really glad they're going with a roundabout instead of traditional lights. I know people will bitch but it's truly the best move for that intersection.
According to NBC25, the nearly $800,000 roundabout project is anticipated to be complete by Friday, September 28. The road commission will post detour routes using Perry, Irish, Bristol and Center roads.