Intense Police Chase Through Slippery Streets of Southfield + Detroit Ends Predictably [VIDEO]
A car lead police on a lengthy, nail-biting chase through the streets of Southfield and Detroit Wednesday (February 5th) despite the icy/snowy conditions. See the final 5 minutes of the chase (including the takedown) and get the surprising details of who was in the fleeing vehicle here.
According to, A father, mother and son were in the car that led police on the potentially deadly chase through the busy streets. The suspects were reportedly under the influence of heroin and were driving the wrong direction on the Lodge Freeway, which was how the chase began. You know what they say -- the family that rides the white horse together, goes to jail together.
The chase came to an abrupt end when the fleeing suspects colided with a vehicle at the Woodward Ave / Davison Freeway intersection. The suspects were promptly arrested, but not before the driver was promptly face-punched and tased (at least that's what it looks like in the video)... he earned it.