Lapeer County Woman Wins $450K on Michigan Lottery ‘Big Spin’ Show
Winning nothing on a lottery ticket, could get you on the 'Big Spin'.
That is what happened to Kimberly Lewis-Baer of Lapeer County. Lewis-Baer entered her losing ticket online, and was randomly picked to appear on the show. As you can imagine, Kimberly was shocked when the wheel stopped on $450,000! The most you can win on the wheel is $2 million dollars.
According to ABC 12, Lewis-Baer calls the win 'life changin'. I'll say! For now, Kimberly is planning a trip to somewhere warm (good call), and buying her husband a new truck. If it were me, I would be throwing one hell of a party as well, after I got back from a tropical vacation of course.
Congrats Kimberly!
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