MI Lawmakers Could Forgive Some Snow Days This Year
This has definitely been one of the worst winters we've had in a long time. The frigid temperatures have kept kids home from school a lot more this year.
If you have a child or children in school, you obviously know that the schools have been eating up a bunch of snow days this year. Knowing that the state of Michigan only allows for so many, parents are left to wonder how many extra days will be added on to the year.
Fortunately, some Michigan lawmakers are considering whether or not to forgive a certain number of those snow days. Michigan state law allows up to six snow days per year. Schools also have the option to have three more days forgiven with a waiver. The problem is, many schools have already exceeded those nine already.
New legislation from lawmakers looks to exclude any of those snow days that occurred during state-declared emergencies. That would include the five days between January 28th and February 1st.
Source: ABC 12
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