Michigan’s Teachers and Staff Eligible for COIVD-19 Grants

Earlier today, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that some teachers and school support staffers across Michigan are going to be eligible for cash grants for the extra work they put in during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to Fox 2 Detroit, Gov. Whitmer introduced two new grant programs that will provide support for extra hours and costs incurred due to the in-person learning suspension in the spring of the 2019-2020 school year.
Eligible teachers can receive up to $500 and eligible support staff can receive up to $250.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer:
Our teachers and support staff have made incredible sacrifices this year to ensure our kids can get a great education while Michigan fights the COVID-19 pandemic. They deserve all of the support we can give as we continue working around the clock to keep Michigan families safe. My administration will continue working hard to protect our educators and ensure our kids are learning the skills they need to grow this year. And as we continue to fight this virus, remember to mask up, maintain six feet of physical distancing, and get your flu vaccine.
So the way I understand this is in order to qualify for the grant, teachers and staff must have worked at least 75% of their time inside a K-12 school prior to schools being closed because of the pandemic. Substitute teachers don't qualify for the grant.
UP NEXT: How Michigan Fared During the 1918 Flu Pandemic
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