Some Mid-Michigan residents are pissed and feel Consumers Energy needs to be investigated for their recent energy bill spike.

According to WNEM, dozens of residents reached out to TV5 complaining their Consumers Energy bills have spiked to double, sometimes triple the normal amount.

Have you noticed a drastic increase in your Consumers bill? My bill definitely went up but it seems pretty consistent with years past. I have to really crank my thermostat because I have terrible windows in my house and it's always cold. With it being so cold this year, I thought for sure I was gonna get hit harder than I did.

In the video above, Consumers Energy representative Debra Dodd says the cost customers are paying right now for natural gas is about 60 percent lower than 10 years ago. She also said, because of this cold weather the average customer is using about 25 percent more natural gas this winter than last winter.

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