MidMichigan Health Easing Visitor Restrictions Starting Today

There's hasn't been a lot of positivity when it comes to the pandemic but with the numbers slowly going down, it looks like MidMichigan Health is going to ease up on their visitor restriction policies beginning today.
According to Mid-Michigan Now, The medical center inpatient units visiting hours will be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The behavioral health units hours remain from 6 to 8 p.m.
Diane Postler-Slattery, president and CEO of MidMichigan Health:
We recognize that an important aspect of care and healing is having a family member or support person with our patients whenever possible. We have been carefully monitoring the number of state and local cases and are pleased to see a steady decline. However, the safety of our patients, visitors and employees is our priority. While we will ease our visitor restrictions, our protocols for health screening, universal masking and social distancing in our facilities will remain in place.
- Inpatients - Allowed two visitors
- Maternity inpatients - Allowed one support person
- Pediatric patients - Allowed two legal guardians or parents
- Emergency patients - Allowed one visitor
Of course, there can be exceptions to the restrictions above. If a health care team member feels someone is essential for a patients support, that person would be allowed.
MidMichigan Health is a non-profit health system, headquartered in Midland, Michigan, affiliated with Michigan Medicine, the health care division of the University of Michigan.
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