What Restrictions Will We See When Indoor Dining Returns on Feb 1st?
As of right now, it looks like indoor dining will resume at restaurants around the state of Michigan on February 1st. While this is extremely exciting since indoor dining has been shut down since back in November, we still have to think about what kind of restrictions will come with this.
While we don't know what kind of restrictions will be put in place by the state, I think we can make some pretty good guesses.
I think it's safe to say there will be some sort of reduced capacity restriction restaurant owners will have to deal with but it's unclear right now. This is something they were already dealing with prior to getting shut down back in November.
I'm sure social distancing measures will need to be in place much like they were a couple of months ago.
I know masks will be required, I just hope they don't say something stupid like you have to wear one in between your food bites. That is one of the dumbest things I heard some restaurants in other states were doing.
What about a curfew on establishments? They've already kind of hinted around to this idea during press conferences so I'm sure it's something that's going to happen. Again, I think that idea is just ridiculous too.
What other crazy restrictions do you think the state will put in place?
At this point, it's just a waiting game until the official announcement is made which I'm sure will happen sometime next week.