Opening Day, April Fools’, and Easter…What Are You Doing This Weekend?
This is quite the weekend we have ahead of us.
In any other normal year, this weekend would be one huge party! Unfortunately, I don't see the same level of excitement around anything this year. Today is April Fools' Day and opening day for the Detroit Tigers. On top of that, it is also Easter weekend. Thanks to the COVID-19 dumpster fire we are living in, this awesome trifecta of a weekend will end up being a bust.
Let's start with April Fools Day. Typically in our building, we see our fair share of shenanigans on April 1st. We are all children at heart and we all love a good prank or ten on days like this. However, the excitement just isn't in the air this year. The phrase "Ain't nobody got time for that" seems to be the prevailing answer. There aren't as many people in the building either. For those of us that are in the building, we know each other's games pretty well so you have to work really hard to pull off a prank. Again, ain't nobody got time for that. So there is strike one for the weekend for me.

Let's move on to strike two...opening day for the Tigers. While I haven't been to opening day in a few years, today just isn't going to be the same with everything that is happening in the world. Only 8,000 fans can attend the game, tailgating will be next to nonexistent, and the restrictions for local businesses in Detroit are many. To me, the best part of opening day is the people you meet and party with all day. Strike two.
Finally, Easter weekend. While I love a good holiday weekend, this Easter will be completely different as well. My family is spread throughout the state and will not be getting together and most of my friend group is out of state for spring break. So it will just be another weekend for me.
Sorry to bring you down on a Thursday, but this sucks! I am 100% over this.
UP NEXT: The All-Time Greatest Detroit Tiger Starting Lineup
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