Police to Crack Down on Left Lane Highway Drivers
It looks like Michigan State police are going to start watching for drivers who have a tendency to hog up the left lane of highways.
I'm so guilty of this, I pass someone and then I stay in that left lane a lot longer than I should. I don't even mean to, it just happens. I didn't realize I was breaking the law while doing it though. I knew driving was meant for the right lane and passing was meant for the left, I just didn't realize I could get in trouble for it. Driving in the left lane for a considerable period of time is a civil infraction, meaning you could get a ticket and possibly some points.
Earlier this week state police in Grand Rapids already started this crack down which I bet surprised many drivers. They understand that drivers forget the simple rule and if you get pulled over you may just get a verbal warning but it is possible to get a ticket as well.
Police say it's all bout safety and educating drivers.
Source: WLNS
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