Revenge porn, the slimy art of posting sexually explicit photos or videos of an ex on the Internet, could soon be banned in Michigan. State lawmakers recently introduced a piece of legislation that would make it illegal to post smut captured during past relationships without written consent.

Senator Rick Jones, co-sponsor of the bill, heard testimony from voters with teenage girls who were publicly humiliated after their ex-boyfriends used the Internet to host photos of them spread eagle and nasty.

“Typically, this happens to young lovers. Sometimes there’s alcohol involved and poor decisions are made,” said Jones. “However, we must never allow this abuse to continue of the victims and have this sort of harassment and abuse to continue on the Internet.”

This act of vengeance caused the two girls to be berated and bullied, which eventually led to them transferring to a different high school.

“This also happens to college students; it happens to married couples,” Jones added. “Whenever they separate, sometimes revenge gets into the picture. I have seen pets harmed, I’ve seen sexually graphic pictures posted seeking to get revenge.”

If this bill is passed, anyone who posts inappropriate photos or videos of someone without their expressed written permission could receive a fine of up to $500.

Those that oppose this legislation argue that it is a person's own responsibility to not allow pornographic images to be taken.

We think most people would agree: $500 to burn an ex is not a punishment... its a bargain!

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