Score a One-Year ‘Fancy Idiot’ Membership to the FBHW Show
Since you can't go to any concerts now, we can at least hook you up with some extra entertainment with the Free Beer and Hot Wings Show.
Take a minute now and sign up to win a free, one-year 'Fancy Idiot' subscription to the Free Beer and Hot Wings Show. Starting on Tuesday, May 26th, Free Beer, Hot Wings, and the rest of the crew will start giving away one subscription every day until Friday, June 26th. It doesn't end there though. After June 26th, they will still be hooking you up with subscriptions once every week for the foreseeable future!
With a Free Beer and Hot Wings Show 'Fancy Idiot' subscription, you receive a lot of extra bonus material to fill your quarantine time. Your subscription will include:
- Access to Today's Idiot Content
- Chance to play Dumber Than the Show Trivia weekly
- Access to ALL Media archives (which includes exclusive video and audio content!)
- Access to ALL Podcast content
- Access to daily Segment 17 bonus video
- Exclusive access to daily webcams and archives
- and more
Typically this package would cost you $49.95 annually or $5.95 monthly, which you can purchase right now if you don't want to wait to win. This subscription is totally worth the price for all the extra entertainment you get.

Unfortunately, we did have to postpone the Free Beer and Hot Wings Live Show in April due to the coronavirus, so this is the next best thing for you! Also, be sure to tune in and be ready for the next installment of the 'Live at Night: Social Distancing' edition of the show on their Facebook page.
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