Strong Michigan Winds Leave Thousands Without Power
Many people in Michigan are powerless due to severe winds.
WNEM is reporting 12 counties with power outages, and yes Genesee County is one of them. Currently, there are over 7000 people in GC without power. That number could certainly increase as the high winds will continue for the rest of the day.
I am not going to lie, the wind really scares me. Is that weird? As long as I can remember I have been afraid of strong winds. It is just one of my many issues. I can deal with thunderstorms, snow storms and pretty much any other weather element. Dare I say I think the wind blows. Wah Wah. Stay safe and remember not to touch a down powerline. Unless you are reading this Chris Monroe. YOU can pick one up.
All kidding aside, thanks to the men and women of Consumers Energy working to bring back power to the people.
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