There are a lot of reasons why someone might want to record a conversation. But regardless of why they want to, are they legally allowed to in Michigan?
I get so mad when I text my kid and he doesn't reply. He always has his phone and he's always on it watching dumb videos. So, when he doesn't reply, I know he's ignoring me...well those days are over.
It seems like the most dangerous thing people own today is there cell phone. It's even more apparent now with the emergence of 'Pokemon Go.' When I'm walking around a town or city, all I see is mindless zombies with their phones in hand. This woman had her phone almost killer.
Here is a dose of cold-blooded road rage. This biker tells the driver of this car to stop using the phone while driving. A few seconds later, the driver sideswiped the biker causing him to wreck. The other driver didn't even slow down or stop.
Look around you, do you see just the tops of heads? Chances are the answer is yes. We are glued to our phones. We have watched videos of people walking into fountains, falling and not to mention wreck vehicles while looking at their phones. Here we see a man who totally missed out on a giant whale sighting because he was texting.
Talk about a backfire. Now, it's no secret that most women will go through your phone, most guys too I'm sure, and all of us have wanted to do this. This guy actually did to catch the reaction. Too bad the crazy bitch had a knife and a big screen TV.