Tell Us Where Michigan’s Best Campgrounds Are
With a lot of my plans and obligations canceled this year, I finally have time to do a lot of camping this year. Where are the best campgrounds?
As we are beginning to see some of the state start to open up, I am starting to look at plans for camping this year. It looks like we won't see any concerts happening in the near future and my other side jobs on hold for what looks like the rest of the year. That means I will have some extra time to go camping, which is one of my favorite activities in the summer.
We know that the state campgrounds are closed down until at least June and only a handful of private campgrounds are open right now, so that leaves me a little bit of time to plan and get ready for when I can hit the woods again. With that said, I want to know where your favorite places are to go camping. I know of a handful of places, but some times the best places are the ones you can't find with a simple google search and are told about by friends.
I'm pretty wide open when it comes to reasons to go camping. I'll never say no to a good tubing trip down the river, nor will I shy away from a remote place way off the beaten path. I've gone camping alone and I've also gone with a group of 80 people. I just want to get off the grid and enjoy what Michigan has to offer. Golf and camping are the two things that really help me unwind and get rid of a lot of stress.
So I'm looking to you. Hit me up or leave a comment and tell me the best campgrounds to checkout. Best place to go tubing, best place to hit the beach, best place for a hike, etc... With everything happening right now in the world, I am dying to get off the grid!
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