Actor and Flintstone Terry Crews appeared as a guest on Viceland's 'Desus & Mero,' and detailed witnessing the swift downfall of Flint, Michigan in the 1980s.

When Crews appeared on the "#1 show in late night... nothing but illustrious guests" on Monday night, his interview was edited quite heavily... mostly because it had to be. Terry is a pretty talkative guy, so airing his interview in its entirety would've taken over the whole show. Luckily, Desus & Mero posted the full version of the interview online, which featured Terry's describing the "implosion" of Flint, which is a story the nuances of which most outsiders are unfamiliar.

The video also features extended takes on how he went from working security on 'Next Friday' to being the big bad in 'Friday After Next,' playing football at both Western Michigan University and in the NFL, how fear of his abusive father was the catalyst for getting mega-swole, and, actually, a lot more. I mean, A LOT. Like I said, Terry's a talker.

The main bit about Flint starts around the 10:45 mark in the video, but I highly recommend watching the full interview. He tells some pretty good stories throughout, and there's some particularly interesting stuff involving he and Katt Williams you may want to hear.

Some people may not appreciate how Crews talks about Flint, but he never shies away from saying that this is where he's from, and, in my book, the more people that understand the struggles of this city -- the better.



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