Anyone Else Planning A Non-Traditional Thanksgiving?
If you look at your Facebook feed, you will notice a lot of people you are 'friends' with appear to be fortune tellers. So many people on my feed are posting things like 'Get ready, here it comes - everything will be closing ' or 'Thanks Biden, we are getting shut down soon'. I am not saying it might not happen, but trust me - I am not believing most everything I read on social media (call me crazy).

Thanksgiving is two weeks from today. A lot can happen in that time. Already the CDC is calling for smaller gatherings, even going so far as to say outdoor dining for Thanksgiving is the best option. Clearly, that will not fly in Michigan. It is just too damn cold. My main concern is keeping me, and my family safe. If we are encouraged to not get together, so be it. Sure it sucks, but I am not risking anything.
With all of that in mind, I have been trying to determine what my Thanksgiving will look like this year if I am not with my family. The thought of attempting to make an entire traditional Thanksgiving meal for me and my guy Nick sounds horrible. I have never made a turkey before, and quite frankly - I don't want to start. I am always the bring a cheese tray and wine girl. That is my role, and I like it.
I am really leaning towards a frozen cheese lasagna from Gordon Food Service, wine from ALDI, and binge watching 'The Sopranos'. Can you believe Nick has never watched it? To me that sounds like the perfect day - other than being with my family and never having heard of the coronavirus. Now that would be a perfect day.
Does flipping the script for Thanksgiving this year appeal to you as well? Let me know what your plans are.
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