Avenged Sevenfold Plays ‘Nightmare’ On Elm Street
We live in the golden age of technology, where just about anything you can think of is not only possible, but can be watched by everyone thanks to the webernets. So when somebody thought "Hey, that would be cool if someone mashed up Avenged Sevenfold's 'Nightmare' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street' footage", it quickly became a reality.
If there's two things I love: it's hard rock and horror movies, this great video features both. Check out this fan made mash up of Avenged Sevenfold's 'Nightmare' and the 'Nightmare on Elm Street' films. Unlike some of these videos you'll see on the Youtubes, this one is surprisingly well edited and makes sense. It may have taken 15 years, but Freddy Krueger finally gets redemption for being in that cheesy ass Dokken video for 'Dream Warriors'.