Flint Councilman Eric Mays Files Federal Lawsuit Against the Mayor
And in today's Eric Mays "eye roll" news...
...the Flint city councilman has filed a federal lawsuit against Mayor Sheldon Neeley, one of Neeley's top aides, the city attorney, and the Flint police officer who has removed him from meetings and other council members.
In the lawsuit, which was filed on September 11th, Mays claims that his rights to free speech were violated when he was forcibly removed from city council meetings on three separate occasions.
The lawsuit is requesting $1 million in damages. Flint Director of Communications Marjory Raymer told WNEM-TV5 that the lawsuit is "frivolous."
This frivolous lawsuit is another unfortunate and costly attempt by Councilman Mays to disrupt and distract. His previous lawsuits already have cost the city tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees and this lawsuit will waste even more taxpayer money. These are dollars that should go to city services like protecting residents and employees from COVID-19 and providing water payment assistance to residents. This is a waste of time and money at a time when we are literally fighting for our lives in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Councilman Mays needs to take personal responsibility for his actions. The City will ask the court to order Councilman Mays to reimburse the city for the costs of defending against this frivolous lawsuit.
According to MLive, Mays has been removed or has voluntarily left city council meetings seven times in the last 8 years.
On a personal note, I don't understand how this guy keeps getting re-elected. No, I don't live in his ward; some people would say that I don't get to have an opinion on it because of this. But c'mon, people. What's he doing for YOU, other than cause problems for himself?

SEE MORE: 26 Moving Pictures From The Flint Protest
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