Kroger Recalling 35,000 Pounds of Ground Beef
Kroger is recalling ground beef and their recalling a lot of it.
According to ABC12, Kroger is recalling 35,000 pounds of ground beef sold in one and three-pound trays or packages of Kroger brand ground beef. One-pound packages of Kroger brand ground sirloin also are affected.
The ground beef affected has a sell-by date of April 9th and was sold Michigan.
I don't know how and why they decide to do recalls like this especially since there weren't any reports of anyone getting sick. Either way, if you have some of this meat sitting in your freezer you'll want to throw it out or take back to Kroger for a refund. I don't know if you have to have a receipt for the refund but I can't imagine they would enforce that. I mean, does anyone really keep their receipts from the grocery store?
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