Public opinion of police isn't exactly at an all-time high right now in America, but police in Lowell, Michigan (which is just a handful of miles east of Grand Rapids) are hoping to change that in their town by spreading some holiday cheer.

2014 has been the year of controversial use of force by police. There have been several high-profile stories about police taking lives in circumstances where many believe it was not necessary. Instead of letting those divisive national stories change the way the people of their town looked at them, the Lowell Police decided to remind everyone that they are there to help... and what better time is there for that than the holidays?

Watch as the police surprise motorists by pulling them over and then giving them the presents on their Christmas list. See, guys? Police are just like any other group of people -- they're not all bad guys. In fact, most of them aren't. The bad ones are always just a little louder than the ones quietly doing good in their community.

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