First thing first, I am not the woman in this story.

A Troy, Michigan woman was arrested after walking into the wrong house, while intoxicated. Reports indicate this happened this past Wednesday, April 24th at roughly 1:00 AM. The homeowners held the woman at gunpoint, until police arrived.

Can you even imagine waking up to something like this? I would freak out. Reports indicate, when authorities did arrive the unidentified 26-year-old was not cooperative. Once she was secure in the police car, she spit at officers. Ugh.

According to WXYZ, her breathalyzer result showed she was 3 times over the legal limit, and she believed she was entering her own home. I wonder how close she was to her actual home? How do you apologize for a stunt like this? I do not recommend inviting the victims over for cocktails. Can you say awkward?

Have you ever experienced anything like this is your neighborhood?


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