It's that time of year to put the jokes aside and help those in need. We have teamed up with the Genesee County Walmart Locations to conduct the 17th annual Free Beer & Hot Wings Show Holiday Break-In.

Starting Monday, we will start taking nominations for a family in need this holiday season. If you know someone that is struggling this year, we want to know their story. Just don't tell them that you are nominating them. The point of the Holiday Break-In is to help someone anonymously.

If we select the family that you nominated, you will then become our accomplice. It will be your job to find out exactly what they need to have the holiday that they might not have had without the Holiday Break-In. If they need food, we will get them food. If the need clothes, we will get them clothes. Whatever the need, our friends at the Genesee County Walmart locations will help fulfill those needs.

After we've collected the good, we will work with you to get them out of the house so we can sneak in and leave everything under the tree for them.

All we ask is that the family you nominate is not yours or anyone that lives in your home. Thank you in advance! The nominations start Monday.


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