Small Michigan Businesses Can Apply for Funding Starting Tuesday

It's pretty insane how many small businesses in Michigan have been impacted due to the COVID-19 public health order. For those small businesses that managed to survive but are still struggling, some help is on the way.
According to WXYZ, starting to tomorrow at 9 am, applications will open for the Michigan Small Business Survival Grant program.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer:
The Michigan Small Business Survival Grants Program will help small businesses throughout Michigan hardest hit by the impact of COVID-19, especially as they continue to experience additional strain in the winter months. This program provides a significant opportunity to address the immediate needs of these businesses, and I strongly encourage all eligible businesses to apply for assistance.
It'll be interesting to see who actually ends up getting these grants, I hope it's businesses that actually need the money and not a bunch of churches like we saw in the past. Grants for businesses that have been closed this entire time will be awarded up to $20,000. A business that was only partially closed during the pandemic will be awarded up to $15,000.
Is this enough money and does it make up for the loss these businesses have endured for months? Hell, no, it['s not but I guess it's better than nothing.
A tutorial video on how to apply and instructions for registering in the application platform is available on www.michiganbusiness.org/survival.
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