Taco Bell Wants You to Mail Your Empty Sauce Packets for a Good Cause
I can appreciate and respect anyone that wants to do their part for the environment but what Taco Bell is asking seems like a longshot.
You know those empty sauce packets that you normally just toss in the garbage after you devour a bag full of Taco Bell? For me, it would be empty packets of Fire Sauce. Well, apparently they don't want you to throw them away anymore. Now they're asking that you send the empty packets in the mail to be recycled. Say what?

Because 8.2 BILLION sauce packets get used each year in the U.S., Taco Bell is teaming up with the recycling company TerraCycle to create a national recycling program that involves you mailing in your empty sauce packets.
Here's what they want you to do. After you use your Taco Bell sauce, don't throw it away. Wash it off, and throw it in a box. Once you fill up your box, they want you to print off a shipping label and then send it via UPS. Of course, you also have to set up an account and all that crap too. If it sounds like a lot, that's because it is.
Once collected, the sauce packets are cleaned and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products, such as park benches and picnic tables.
Again, I love the idea behind it, I just don't see people going through all that. Hell, it's hard enough not getting their customers to not throw their empty Taco Bell wrappers on the side of the road. You think they're actually going to do this?
It's for a good cause but they sure are asking a lot from Taco Bell customers.
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