The Snow is Already Falling in The Upper Peninsula
It was a chilly one this morning in our area but not as chilly as it was in the Upper Peninsula. Temps up there dropped below freezing which caused a light accumulation. It wasn't anything major but it's a solid sign that winter is just around the corner.
I know this isn't groundbreaking news or anything but it still bums me out that it's just a matter of time before I'm out shovelling my driveway.
It's funny how some people get so pissed off at me when I bitch about winter. Every time I say how much I hate winter while I'm on the air, someone calls up and says, "It's Michigan dude, if you don't like it, you should move." I laugh every time. Hey, I love Michigan and love living here, I'm just a sissy when it's cold out. I like snow...but only for about a week, then I'm over it. I truly hate the cold though. Fall, Spring and summer are the best in Michigan, I just can't do winter.
The good news, it's going to almost 80 degrees here this weekend. That's 30 degrees warmer than the UP. It won't last long though that's for sure.