Contrary to what those headlines you saw on Facebook said this week, season 7 of 'The Walking Dead' is not filming in Michigan. Tell your troll friends to stop it.

'The Walking Dead' is set to begin its 6th season on AMC this October and has a spinoff -- 'Fear the Walking Dead' -- which gets started this Sunday. It's the biggest show on television, and, in my opinion, the best. So, naturally people were excited to see the link below (or one similar) floating around Facebook saying that season 7 would partially be filmed in Michigan. Not so fast...



A lot of people just read headlines, assume that the info is legit, and move on with their day. Hell, there are whole websites and "news organizations" out there dependent on that level of blind trust. Had everyone actually clicked on this particular link, they would have been taken here.



It's basically a dummy site with just the Facebook link and an ad, but if you click that -- it takes you to the real story below.



Yup. It's a site where people can make fake, yet somewhat legit-looking headlines to troll their friends who don't pay attention. 'The Walking Dead' will likely continue to film in Georgia, as they have for the entirety of the show thus far. In fact, you should be very surprised if anything noteworthy films here again, as Michigan's tax incentives for filmmakers were recently 86'd.

There's a lot of this that goes on these days and the amount of people that buy it is scary! For real, look at this post below telling people that Obama would get impeached if the status got 30k likes. More importantly than the ridiculousness of that, is the amount of people who bought it!


You can't believe everything you read on the internet people. The sooner you realize that -- the better off we will all be.


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