Woman Loses Hair After Someone Allegedly Put Nair In Conditioner Purchased At Walmart [VIDEO]
Hair today, not tomorrow. That is the case for one woman who claims there was Nair in her Pantene hair conditioner that she purchased at a Walmart store in New Richmond, Wisconsin.
On Sunday, August 4th, Ashley Robinson began to lose her hair in the shower after using the new bottle of conditioner. You will see the pictures of the tub in the video above. Reports indicate Ashley went to the ER when her scalp began to burn, that is where she was diagnosed with chemical burns. According to Ashley, doctors said it smelled like Nair. I am unsure if they smelled the conditioner or her head. Nonetheless, Ashley ended up with missing patches and hair and had to shave her head.
Clearly there was something in the bottle, but how did it get there? Police are going through surveillance videos to see if the bottle was indeed tampered with by someone inside of the store.