Start Your Own Business Franchise in Michigan for Under $10K
Start a business for yourself with less than $10,000.
Financial freedom and independence is a dream for all of us. If you had an extra $10,000, you could start a number of franchises right here in Michigan. It would be so awesome to be able to set your own schedule, be your own boss, and maybe even work from home while supporting your family. To make it even better, you could possibly make that happen for under $10K.
I have always wanted to start my own business, but have never had the right idea or concept. Sometimes you just have to take another avenue in a situation like that and jump into something that is already working. Own a franchise might be the way to go.

After just an hour of research on franchises, I've come up with a list of nine businesses that you could start right here in Flint for under $10,000. These options range from cleaning services to food joints and cruise planning to BitCash ATMs. Have a look and you might find something that could suit you and your family.
The next step would be to find and acquire the $10,000 to get things rolling. Well, we are nearing the end of Go Fund Yourself, so be listening for those Cash Codes. The more you enter into the Banana app, the more chances you have to win. We are in the final week of the contest and we have less than 50 of the Cash Codes left. Be tuned in every weekday at the top of each hour to get the code. You'll get the first code every morning in the 8 am hour during the Free Beer and Hot Wings Show.
Source: Franchiseclique.com
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