Genesee County Parks Remain Open During Coronavirus Outbreak
The Genesee County Parks and Rec Department has announced that the parks in Genesee County currently remain open.
With all the craziness that is happening in the country right now, some people may enjoy a good hike. The Genesee County parks are currently still open for families to enjoy. The parks have over 11,000 acres of land so keeping up with social distancing should not be a problem. The parks are open from 8 am until sunset seven days a week.
Now that we all have a limited number of things to do, getting out in the fresh air and walking around the parks might be a good thing for many. How are you and your family getting along in this situation? Personally, we have all the video games and electronics that we need but those are going to get old real quick. The kids might be learning how to play euchre soon.
Source: Mid-Michigan Now
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