Hideo Kojima's first post-Metal Gear Solid game has a release date and a new 8-minute trailer and I still can't tell what the hell this game is but I'm here for it.

As a long-time Metal Gear Solid fan, I've been anxiously awaiting Kojima-son's first post-Konami project. After recent reports that the still unannounced release date got pushed back, I expected that we wouldn't see this game for a few more years... maybe not even in this generation of consoles. These sort of things are common for Kojima titles, after all. However, today they dropped the bomb on us --  it hits stores on November 8th, 2019!

Yes, you read that right. 2019, as in this year. And you'll be able to pay extra for special and collector's editions that come with a whole bunch of weird stuff you don't understand yet.


The new trailer promises lots of the things that separated MGS from other game franchises -- cinematic storytelling, satisfying and inventive gameplay, and of course Hideo Kojima's signature weirdness, which this game seems to have plenty of.

To be honest, the gameplay looks kind of Metal Gear-y, which I'm more than okay with. Say what you will about the craziness of the story, but you definitely can't say it looks boring. There's demons, baby weapons, multiple planes of existence, and all kinds of bonkers stuff at play... and it all looks phenomenal, visually speaking.

Your character is Norman Reedus (Daryl from The Walking Dead), who you could totally see playing Snake in a Metal Gear movie. He'll be squaring off against the always awesome Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal, Rogue One, Doctor Strange) and some weird demon soldiers and a skull-faced dude named "Die-Hardman"... Yeah, I think this game will be an easy transition for us bereaved MGS fans.

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