Linden Man Arrested For Wiping Face On Holly Dollar Tree Employee
I knew someone would recognize this clown. Rex Gomoll, 68, of behind bars, facing charges of assault and battery after wiping his face on the shirt of a Dollar Tree employee in Holly. Gomoll was upset after the female employee told him he had to wear a mask inside of the store. There was a sign on the door that stated the same.

This all sounds completely insane, but unfortunately it is true. If you have yet to watch the video, check it out above. I know not everyone will wear a mask, or gloves. I for one do, and will continue to do so. That being said, if a store, or any business for that matter, requests that masks be worn inside - wear a mask, or don't go in. Simple as that. Throw a fit and rant and rave on Facebook (you know it's true), not inside of the establishment. Boycott the business, who cares - but no one ever has a right to approach another person and wipe their face on him or her. That is completely out of line.
I am assuming if you choose not to wear a mask, you don't want some complete stranger touching you, let alone wiping his or her face on you. It is called common courtesy and respect. I don't know about you, even before the pandemic I hated people breathing down my neck in public places.
The victims name has not been released, which I totally understand. I would like to say to her - you are strong. I would have totally lost it on that guy, and most likely that would have escalated the situation. Great job.
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