More Liquor Licenses/Permits of Michigan Businesses Suspended
Since September there have been 31 Michigan businesses that have had their liquor licences suspended for breaking the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services COVID restrictions.
According to WDIV, on Tuesday the Michigan Liquor Control Commission suspended the liquor licenses and permits of five additional businesses.
All of the most recent locations that got busted were in the metro Detroit area.
State of Michigan:
Licensees are strictly prohibited from allowing indoor gatherings, as defined by the MDHHS Gatherings and Face Mask Order, on their licensed premises. Further, these prohibited gatherings held without requiring patrons to wear face masks pose an immediate threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Allowing this activity to continue could create additional outbreaks of COVID-19.
Any licensed establishment that is in violation of the MDHHS emergency order will be held strictly accountable and risk suspension or revocation of its license. All licensees must not only comply with the MDHHS Orders, but also local health department orders, and local ordinances regarding reduced occupancy rates and social distancing protocols related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I understand that rules were put in place to combat the pandemic but in my personal opinion, I think it's absolute crap that our state is allowed to tell people that they can't work to support their families but at the same time are not given any kind of financial support. It shouldn't be allowed.

READ MORE: Michigan Restaurants That Should Be Franchised Nationwide
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