I think we are all feeling a little nutty lately. Trust me, I have caught myself looking out the window, watching birds and squirrels in my yard. Did I think about building them a 'bird bar' or 'squirrel restaurant'? Nope - but one Michigan man did...
Northern Michigan's Gabe Awrey took a photo of his friend's engine, not because he had something bad ass to show off but because it was packed with over 50 pounds of pines cones.
You’d have to be nuts.
A Michigan police force is trying to determine who is behind a heist last week that led to the disappearance of 28,000 pounds of nuts.
I honestly doubt that I would go to the aide of a drowning squirrel, at least not as far as this guy did. I guess that just means this dude has a bigger heart than me and I'm okay with that. It's pretty cool though that he did this and was able to bring the little rodent back from the dead. Would you do the same?
As people, we have to take a picture of most everything we do. It's just who we are. We are constantly saying 'look at me' by posting pics on our Facebook page, Instagram or anywhere else we can show ourselves off. I remember a time when people just put pictures on their refrigerators. I used to keep a picture of Jon Bon Jovi inside of my fridge, but that is a story for another time.
We talk a lot about how the most jacked up stuff seems to always happen in Florida, well South Carolina just put themselves in the running for that title in 2014. This chick was arrested for "Assault with a deadly squirrel" after she sent her husband out for beer and he came home empty handed because all the stores were closed for the holiday...
Squirrel was on the lunch menu for one Holland, Michigan man. Unfortunately for the squirrel and eight other apartment owners, that decision sparked one hell of a fire.