This TSA Agent Needs A Bit More Training [VIDEO]
This TSA Agent Needs A Bit More Training [VIDEO]
This TSA Agent Needs A Bit More Training [VIDEO]
After a man was detained by the TSA in an airport, this man's son started to record. During the search the TSA agent seems pretty hostile and called for an officer to remove his son. I don't think the agent quite knows all the rules of what can and can't happen. You can tell that the officer even know the kid was right.
Michigan TSA Agents List Guns and Chinese Throwing Stars As Items Found on Passengers
Michigan TSA Agents List Guns and Chinese Throwing Stars As Items Found on Passengers
Michigan TSA Agents List Guns and Chinese Throwing Stars As Items Found on Passengers
Ever since terrorists began flying commercial airliners into skyscrapers, the United States has been somewhat nervous about the items travellers take on flights – and for good reason. Although the entire tourist population is aware by now that there is a little organization called the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), whose primary job is to prevent terrorist attacks, people are still
Chewy Gets Checked By TSA Over Light Saber Cane [PICS]
Chewy Gets Checked By TSA Over Light Saber Cane [PICS]
Chewy Gets Checked By TSA Over Light Saber Cane [PICS]
Once again TSA goes all ballistic over something completely harmless. This time it's over a light saber cane that actually belong to Peter Mayhew. What? what do you mean "Who's Peter Mayhew?" He's the dude that played Chewbacca the original Star Wars movies. Geez, get a clue, dude!