Usually when people go to the circus for the first time the things they'll remember the most are the trapeze artists, the clowns (both performing and the drunk ones in the stands), or the performances, not the tiger in the bathroom. But for one circus goer, Jenna Krehbiel, that is the memory that will stick with her forever. The Tiger escaped right after its performance Saturday at the Isis Shrine Circus in Salina, Kansas. As the big cat made its way out to the concourse of the building, areas were blocked off. That's about the time Krehbiel decide to hit the bathroom, one that hadn't been blocked off yet. She closed the door to find the Tiger and it began to walk toward her. Krehbiel stayed cool, went the other way, and escaped unharmed. As for the Tiger was captured minutes after that scary incident and return to it enclosure. Here's a YouTube video of the Tiger's great escape.

[Source: Yahoo! News]

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