Rats Can Totally Swim Into Your Toilet From the Sewer [VIDEO]
I apologize in advance for doing this to you, but I can't unsee this so no one will ever relax on the toilet again!
Straight out of your nightmares and into your toilet! Just when I had finally forgotten that scene from 'Ghoulies II' that made me really cautious about toilet safety as a kid, this video comes along to guarantee that I'll never drop another worry-free deuce for the rest of my life.
Let's look at the facts presented in this video:
- Yes, rats can enter the sewer and then swim into your toilet bowl
- Yes, rats have sharp claws
- Yes, there are several documented cases of this every year
- And, in conclusion, nope, Nope, NOpe, NOPe, NOPE!
Suddenly, port-a-pottys don't seem like that bad of an option.